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dr HP Stevens, the original inventor of this technique, has trained many colleagues in many countries over the years.

PRPSclinics is active in

Specialists in The Netherlands

Head of

Dr. HPJD (Jeroen) Stevens

Specialized in joint complaints, hair loss, scars and burning mouth syndrome

Doctor Jeroen Stevens specializes in cosmetic plastic surgery of the face (4D-Facelift), breasts (lipofilling), and abdomen (scarless umbilicoplasty). In this respect, he introduced Biological Surgery in 2008. More than 50+ peer-reviewed papers have been published since, on topics relating to the body’s own fat cells (lipofilling), repair cells (SVF), and PRP, to achieve remarkable results that were previously unthinkable.

Check here a selection of the scientific work he and his group realized.

Click here to make an appointment in his online agenda straight away.


BIG registration number: 99038726001
See rating on Zorgkaart Nederland

Specialists in Switzerland

HELP YOUR CELLS ist ein Zentrum der Regenerativen Medizin in Zürich. In unserer Klinik werden Alterungs- und Abnützungsprozesse des Bewegungsapparates und der Haut nach neusten wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen behandelt.

HELP YOUR CELLS, der Name ist Programm. Tatsächlich sind es die zahllosen «mesenchymalen Stammzellen» in unserem Fettgewebe, mancherorts auch «medizinische Signalzellen» genannt, die als unerschöpfliche Quelle zur eigenen Zell-Regeneration dienen – eine Therapie ohne Medikamente oder chemische Substanzen.

Dr. med. Andreas Bätscher

FA Interventionelle Schmerztherapie SSIPM
FA Anästhesiologie FMH, SPS Schmerzspezialist

Andreas Bätscher arbeitete als Anästhesiologe am Kantonsspital Winterthur und am Universitätsspital Zürich, bevor er von 1990 bis 2011 an der Hirslanden Klinik Im Park als Belegarzt tätig war. 2012 gründete er zusammen mit Michael Hartmann die Schmerzklinik Zürich. Ursprünglich Herzanästhesist und Intensivmediziner, verlagerte sich sein fachlicher Schwerpunkt zunehmend auf die Schmerzmedizin, seit 2018 mit besonderem Fokus auch auf die aufstrebende Entwicklung der Regenerativen Medizin. Andreas Bätscher ist u.a. Mitglied der beiden Schweizer Schmerzgesellschaften SPS und SSIPM und steht in regelmässigem Austausch mit internationalen Spezialisten der Schmerzmedizin.

Dr. med. Michael Hartmann FIPP MBA

FA Interventionelle Schmerztherapie
FA Anästhesiologie FMH,
FA del. Psychotherapie,
SPS Schmerzspezialist

Michael Hartmann studierte und arbeitete in Hamburg, danach als Anästhesiologe in den Universitätsspitälern in Hannover und Freiburg/im Breisgau. In Basel arbeitete er viele Jahre in leitender Position in der Schmerzmedizin. Zudem war er in den beiden Schweizer Schmerzgesellschaften engagiert: als Vorstand in der SSIPM (Swiss Society for Interventional Pain Management) und als Councillor in der SPS (Swiss Pain Society).

Specialists in Norway

Norges lengste erfaring innen kosmetiske behandlinger

Vurderer du plastisk kirurgi er det viktig at du går til noen som virkelig kan faget. Bærum Plastikkirurgi, tidligere Klinikk Bunœs, har over 30 års erfaring innen kropp- og ansiktskirurgi. Det er ingen i Norge som har lengre erfaring enn legene hos oss.

Owner of Baerum Plastikkirurgi

Dr. Jarl Bunaes

ENT specialist and foremost Facial Plastic Surgeon.
Owner and Medical Director of a private hospital, Baerum Plastikkirurgi, founded 1986.

ENT specialist and foremost Facial Plastic Surgeon.
Owner and Medical Director of a private hospital, Baerum Plastikkirurgi, founded 1986.
President of 3 world congresses of Facial Plastic Surgery in Norway.

Leader of numerous symposiums and has given lectures all over the world. Started fat transplantation 25 years ago and the last year also with Stem-cells and has a strong preference for the technique know as PRS.

Specialists in Poland

Konrad Slynarski: Our clinic is a place that combines top-class specialists, innovative technological solutions and the latest treatment techniques. The overriding priority of our daily work is a quick return to full fitness of our patients thanks to a holistic, individual approach to their disease.

Head of Slynarski Klinik

Konrad Slynarski, MD, PhD.

After completing his study in Warsaw, Poland, he completed a several international fellowships at Case Western University in Cleveland, USA, with Arnold Caplan on Mesenchymal Stem Cells, with dr Matts Brittberg, Sweden and with Dr. Rene Verdonk, Belgium. He works on the development and improvement of knee joint preservation procedures, including iBalance osteotomy and cell-based therapies for cartilage repair. He organized several symposia and courses in the field of cartilage repair, including Warsaw ICRS World Congress in 2007, Polish Arthroscopic Society Congresses, and Warsaw Joint Preservation Congress in 2013, 2015, and 2016. Dr. Slynarski is currently heading the Slynarski Klinik Chirurgii in Warsaw, Poland. He is a President of the Polish Arthroscopy Society, a member of the Education Committee of the International Cartilage Repair Society (ICRS), and the Osteotomy Committee of the European Society for Sports Traumatology, Knee Surgery, and Arthroscopy (ESSKA).

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Netherlands works from MFIV Rotterdam-Vlaardingen

More information about Medisch Fascilitair Instituut Vlaardingen, a reliable partner for more than 10 years, can be found on their own website.

Address of MFIV Rotterdam-Vlaardingen
Churchillsingel 472, 3137 XB Vlaardingen, Netherlands