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Joint pain

Pain in the hip

PRPSclinics provides treatment. Plan an online consultation with a specialist to learn more.


Pain from wear and tear on your hip joint due to arthrosis or a sports injury? Did corticosteroids and painkillers fail to reduce the pain?
Then choose ‘repair’ through your body’s own repair system instead of suppressing the complaints with medication.

The consultation

PRPS can offer a solution by deploying your own repair system at the cell level to repair the damage. From cartilage and capsule to even (small) tears in ligaments. Read more here

Before any treatment, you should have a consultation with your doctor. Choose your own doctor here and make an appointment right away.

Check out BOB, click the video, and see how he gets all info he needs.

On the day of treatment

Stap 1, making PRP

The operation takes place in the operating room under local anesthesia.
15cc of whole blood is taken and centrifuged to make PRP.

Read more about PRP here.

Check out BOB, click the video, and see how easy making PRP is.

Stap 2, making STROMA

30cc of subcutaneous tissue is harvested. By fractionation and centrifugation, all fat cells are removed, leaving the STROMA holding millions of repair cells, 7 to 8 times more concentrated than normal, readily available for injection.


PRPS (= Platelet Rich Plasma + STROMA) is made by mixing PRP and SVF.

PRPS is now injected around and into the painful hip joint (thanks to anesthesia of the skin, this injection is without any pain).
In the video, BOB has his knee treated, for you that would be the hip, obviously.

Repair using your own repair system starts instantly, comparable to the way skin dermabrasion is repaired.

After the procedure

You come in walking, you will go out walking. No specific rehabilitation is necessary. Make sure you have some paracetamol at the house. It is advised to take 4 to 6 paracetamol for the first 2-3 days after treatment. More painkillers are usually not necessary.

Any swelling will disappear within 5-7 days. Wearing an elastic wrist band for one week will allow for prudent mobilization. Within 2 to 4 weeks you will do everything with generally less pain and slowly more strength and control. Repair will continue for a minimum of 3 to 9 months.

The final assessment takes place 3 months after the treatment. If the majority of the pain has not yet disappeared, and so-called Residual Damage is still there, a second treatment with PRPS may be indicated. See below for more detailed information.

Patient stories

Discover the big benefits of PRPS, and what it can do for your health.


Joint pain

Have I been living with a wrist splint for 3y for nothing?

A treatment of only 45 minutes under local anesthesia was needed to reduce her pain significantly within 2 to 6 weeks.
Joint pain

Sportsman Marc wears out 80-90% of his knees & recovers thanks to PRPS

Ancient sportsman Marc Veldkamp, ​​squasher, golfer, tennis player, shares his story after 2 treatments of PRPS.
Joint pain

A colleague surgeon has knee & shoulder treated with PRPS

dr Nicolaus Linde, a well known cosmetic doctor from Switzerland shares his experience one year after being treated with PRS.

Scientific foundation

What PRPS is doing for arthrosis of the knee seems to be 1 on 1 comparable to what it can do for the painful wrist or shoulder and even the hip if one is early enough. Read more here or make an appointment for a consultation

PRPS provides 28% less pain within 6 to 12 weeks.

Results were measured by an independent orthopedic surgeon and published in the anniversary edition of Applied Sciences, BioSciences and BioEngeneering, MDPI.

Pain in the knee (scored from 0-10) decreased from an average of 4.8 before treatment to 3.0 after 1 injection within 6 to 12 weeks.

Starting intensive activities again could lead to an increase in pain. This favours the need for a second session of PRS because most likely not all damage has been repaired with a single treatment.

In a scientifically validated assessment (WOMAC scores), the knee function has been shown to improve significantly also!

More research is needed, but the first results seem more than promising!

More on what PRPS can do for arthrosis of joints

A Dutch / Polish team publishes a chapter in the book Bio Orthopedics about stem cells and PRPS.

Konrad Slynarski has been presenting his experiences of 100 knees treated with PRPS at a large conference. Watch the video of his presentation yourself.

Read the full chapter published here

The first time ever that PRPS was inserted into the knee, it immediately showed its potential.
Within 4 weeks, the unbearable pain had decreased from 8 out of 10 to 2 in 10.

When the pain eased and activities were resumed, not all damage appeared to be repaired with 1 treatment. The planned knee replacement surgery could indeed be postponed for a year.
Extra treatments with PRPS seem to provide more repair.

Currently, further research into this topic is being conducted.

MRI imaging of bone bruise / arthrosis in the knee, before and after PRPS

This series of MRI imaging shows a person with Residual Damage with pain and loss of function due to bone bruise (red circle, white discoloration) rated -4 in 2016 and still -3 in 2018 after conservative therapy only.

After 1 session of PRPS pain was reduced, and function was regained but not to a full 100%. MRI imaging shows reduced bone bruising. Pain and loss of function were scored -1 to -2 and proved to be stable up to 18 months after treatment.

Residual Damage:

We invented this 5-step Stairway of Damage and Repair to allow you to appreciate the concept of Residual Damage.

Not everywhere in a joint, the damage (by trauma or arthrosis) will be equally distributed. As PRPS will give you 1 up to 2 steps of repair back up this ladder, it might imply that more treatments are needed if you start out with damage ranging from -2 to -4. As soon as you are -5, and 100% of all tissue is damaged, you might be ‘beyond repair’ and PRPS treatment is too late. Then joint replacement might be your only option left?!

PRPS the concept:

If you sum it all up, Residual Damage is varying from -1 to -5 and can be repaired 1 to more steps back to more normal tissue per session of PRPS, taking away the true cause of your pain and restoring functional impairment.

More scientific studies?

Over the past 10 years, many peer-reviewed publications, written by our own research teams, have appeared on findings from the lab and clinical practice.

Read more here